Teachers and organisational CommitmentAbstract
Managerial style plays an important role in the organisations of today and it is very important because of the role it plays in the organisational commitment of teachers. This paper examined teachers' organisational commitment. A descriptive survey research design was adopted in this study. One research question was raised and answered, two hypotheses were formulated and tested. The population consisted of 604 principals and 14,508 teachers from secondary schools in Oyo state. The multistage sampling procedure was used to select 316 principals and 2,960 teachers. Two validated questionnaires, MSOCQ (r = 0.82), MSPQ (r =0.86), were used to collect data. The descriptive statistics of mean and percentages were used to analyse the demographic variables and research question while inferential statistics of PPMC correlation and t-test were used to test hypotheses at a 0.05 level of significance. The three hypotheses were rejected, and the result revealed transformational managerial style was mostly adopted by principals (weighted mean=3.38). A significant combined relationship between principal managerial styles and teachers' organisational commitment (r = 0.886**) Also, there was a significant gender difference in principal managerial styles and teachers' organisational commitment (t=2.38, df = -260.85, p<0.05), (t = 1.43, df = -2671.69, p>0.05) respectively. It was concluded in the study that there is a gender difference in principal managerial styles and teachers' organisational commitment. However, based on the findings recommendations were made to principals’ managerial styles to enhance more teachers’ organisational commitment regardless of their gender
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