Pedagogy, teacher professional development, Transformative learning, Community of practice, Mastery learningAbstract
Systems in the 21st century are increasingly embracing competency-based pedagogy (CBP) reform fors ustainable education and socio-economy development mainly determined by teacher education (TE) andt eaching quality. The CBP reform for sustainable development is complex and needs alternative TE and teachingw ith transformative learning (TL) insights that are still scantily spread in diverse fields. To assist ins trengthening existing debilitations, the current article uses the TL model to analyse TE’s response to CBPr eform for sustainable education. The main question is how TE responds to CBP reform for sustainablee ducation through the TL model insight. To seek answers, the research design uses text comprehension,questionnaires and focus-group discussions with 409 samples in Cameroon CBP-reform-TE transitions. Outsetf indings reveal scanty TL insights with weak TE response to CBP reform fors ustainable education that needsr evival. Improving TL insights of articulating-diverse-prior-experience, engaging-critical-reflection-discourse, enacting-varied-interactive-practices; controlling-constrains and reusing-ongoing-evaluation-outcomes thati terate CBP reform also updated TE and student learning outcomes. In conclusion, iterating CBP reforms in TEt hemes needs a TL journey for trainees-teachers and learners as transformative agents who update mutuall ifelong development outcomes. TE programs should respond to 21st-century pedagogy reforms for sustainablee ducation and socio-economy development through further TL model characterisations
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Copyright (c) 2024 Nji Clement BANG, Rosemary M. SHAFACK, Yaro Loveline YULIA, Henry Asei KUM

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