Continuous assessments, Academic achievement, Characteristics of good assessment , Problem of implementationAbstract
Continuous assessment is one of the tools used in measuring students’ academic performance or achievement during a course of study and it serves as a modal for evaluating effective teaching and learning. The focus of this paper is to examine the impact of continuous assessment on academic achievement of students. The paper examines and reviews the meaning of continuous assessment, and, the characteristics of continuous assessment, it discusses the fundamental basis for using continuous assessment for effective teaching and learning, and Various ways of implementing continuous assessment within schools to determine students’ academic success. It goes further to provide additional information on features of good continuous assessment records, problems that hinder the implementation of continuous assessment in evaluating students’ academic performance and also the impact or influence of continuous assessment on the academic achievement of students. The paper also enumerate some of the problems of using continuous assessment in assessing students’ academic success among which are; the lack of adequate instruments for assessment, some teachers’ lack the skill of instrument construction, absence of a proper monitoring programme among others. In conclusion, continuous assessment if well implemented will provide a method of assessment that will bring about proper guidance of the learner and in the same vain allow the teacher to assess his instructional material.
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