Rainfall Pattern, Household Food Security, Ibadan, Nigeria, and Climatic ConditionsAbstract
Food security and appropriate nutrition are essential for making progress towards sustainable development. It has been stated that about two (2) billion people worldwide, particularly those living in rural and semi-urban regions, face moderate to severe food insecurity, and hunger rates have risen in recent years after falling steadily for decades. the FAO ascribed much of this growth to climate change. There is a lack of empirical evidence on the relationship between climatic conditions and food security in Ibadan metropolis; a city with mix of rural, semi-urban areas; therefore, an assessment of the Rainfall Pattern (RP) and Household Food Security (HFS) was conducted in Oluyole and Iddo Local Government Areas (LGAs) of Oyo state, Nigeria. Climatic data RP for the research locations were collected from the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture's (IITA) Ibadan Meteorological Station between 2018 and 2019. The sample included 265 families from 37 enumeration areas, and was intended to be represntative of both Oluyole and Iddo LGAs. Multi-stage cluster sampling was employed, and the EAs represented the entire LGA, which were randomly picked using a GPS offset of 0-10km. Follow-ups were undertaken in 2020-21, and 2022-2023, with an attrition rate of approximately 3% per cycle. Sets with fixed effects Regression models were used to investigate the relationships between rainy season precipitation and two household food security indicators: the Food Consumption Score (FCS) and the Reduced Coping Strategies Index (rCSI). Data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics with alpha=0.05. In 2018-19,292-21, and 2022-2023, rainy season precipitation averaged (1375.60mm, 1398.34mm, and 1420.18mm, respectively). Each home has an average family size of five, and 56.3% of respondents are involved in farming and related activities. The primary source of income of chosen households was derived from staple crop (Maize) farming, with farm sizes ranging from 1-6ha. Maize yield was 15% higher on average, resulting in net returns ranging from N2,900 to N4,795 per hectare. There was a significant link between the FCS (2.78) and rCSI* (-0.014), indicating that rainfall pattern affected food security of households. Households in both Oluyole and Iddo LGAs were particularly susceptible to changes in rainfall patterns. Interventions, such as increasing access to extension services, expanding agricultural index insurance, and implementing programs to mitigate climate-induced food security, may promote climate change resilience in Oyo state's Oluyole and Iddo local government areas.
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