Technology-based pedagogy, Sustainable learning, 21st century early childhood educationAbstract
The study investigates the potential of technology-based pedagogy in promoting sustainable learning in Early Childhood Education (ECE) within Maun Schools. Vygotsky's socio-cultural theory provided the theoretical pivot for examining the dynamics of cognitive development within a classroom setting, exploring its implications for pedagogical practices and student learning outcomes. The research employed a case study. The study used qualitative method and the instruments used comprised of interviews, questionnaires, and classroom observations were used to collect data. The sample consists of 25 participants who are 20 teachers and 5 administrators from three schools and two pre-schools and purposive sampling was applied. Through thematic analysis, the study exposes the perceptions of teachers and administrators regarding the benefits and limitations of technology-based pedagogy. Findings revealed that technology-based pedagogy stimulates 21st-century skills which include digital literacy, critical thinking, problem problem-solving among learners and teachers. There is a need for recurrent evaluation and constant improvement of technology-based pedagogy initiatives in promoting sustainable learning in ECE. It was recommended that schools should offer ongoing support and resources to help teachers effectively integrate technology into their teaching practices while promoting sustainability concepts in ECE classrooms.
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